

The number of words in my CUT file.

Some of them, of course, are duplicates of words that did, eventually make it into the book. The same scene, written slightly differently. The same scene, but from a different character's perspective, and thus with a totally different purpose.

But there there are the never-weres, the scenes that I aborted a few paragraphs in, that I decided better of, whose info I felt would work well someplace, somehow else.

I had no idea it had gotten so long. If all of those words were in my book, my proposal would be done already.

Right now, the source of my confusion is trying to remember how the real, actual, made-it-through-the-cuts version of the story goes. What information have I yet to share with the reader? What information would I be repeating? I know that this version of hte story has managed to get the most possible worldbuilding in the tightest amount of space, and has added four times as many fight scenes as the first version.

But is enough?

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