
A Very Good Place to Start

Over at Fangs, Fur, Fey, they are talking about first lines. I've always been somewhat obsesed with them myself. I don't have an LJ account so I can't post there, but I guessed all of them except for the primroses one, (which I looked up and I haven't read the book, but it's the one about the rabbits. So, fur, right?) When I sell my book, I want to join that merry band, but I guess that means getting on LJ, as well as figuring out what "F" I belong to. (You know, aside from the little things like finishing this book.)

Has anyone else noticed that the SFF people seem to gravitate to LJ while the romance people gravitate to blogger? I wonder if that means there will be more romance than I expect in my book.

Anyway, first lines. I love mine. I'm completely obsessed. I love reading it over and over again. The only thing I may like more than the first line of my book is the first line of my synopsis. When I sell my book, I will try to recommend it in strong terms to the people who write the cover copy. Actually, there are things I love more. Mostly, the last lines of each chapter. I think I'm even more obsessed with those. Scott Westerfeld once listed the first lines of every chapter of one of his books on his blog. I think, perhaps, that's easier to so than last lines of the chapter, which would be rife with spoilers.

What's your absolute favorite first line? Does it match up with your absolute favorite book? Mine, from One Hundred Years of Solitude, doesn't even match a book I've read. How awful is that? It's been on my "someday" list for a while, though...


Kalayna Price said...

ugg...first lines. I always hate mine. They are probably the most rewritten lines in any wip. Good for you for being talented at them. (Maybe you can let me borrow your muse...)

I haven't noticed the blogger/LJ phenomenon. I mime my blog to a LJ account, (which is actually years older than my blogger account, but I like blogger better) that way I can comment wherever I want.

Viv said...

Well, I don't know if I "have a talent." I just love mine. Could be rubbish.